#TIL : Cache storage utils using redis server

08 Oct 2023 / by KhanhIceTea

I created a small util Cache storage using redis server to cache seriable data, it stores serialzied data string in text then unserialize to wake the data up.


namespace App\Library;

use Predis\Client;
use Predis\PredisException;

class CacheStorage
    public function __construct(private Client $redis)

    public function remember($key, $ttl, $dataFn)
        try {
            $cached_str = $this->redis->get($key);
            $cached = is_null($cached_str) ? false : unserialize($cached_str);

            if ($cached) {
                return $cached;

            $freshData = $dataFn();
            $this->redis->set($key, serialize($freshData), "ex", $ttl);

            return $freshData;
        } catch (PredisException $e) {
            return $dataFn();

Sound good ?