The DOM event handling go through 2 phrases : Capture and Bubble (with support of preventDefault, stopPropagation, stopImmediatePropagation methods to modify behavior)
Try the demo here :
const onClickEle = (e) => {
console.log((new Date()).toISOString() + " : Clicked " + e.currentTarget.tagName)
<h5>Default (bubble)</h5>
<div on:click={onClickEle}>
<button on:click={onClickEle}>Click here!</button>
<h5>Default (bubble with stopPropagation)</h5>
<div on:click={onClickEle}>
<button on:click|stopPropagation={onClickEle}>Click here!</button>
<h5>Parent capture</h5>
<div on:click|capture={onClickEle}>
<button on:click={onClickEle}>Click here!</button>
<h5>Parent capture stopPropagation</h5>
<div on:click|capture|stopPropagation={onClickEle}>
<button on:click={onClickEle}>Click here!</button>
<h5>Self (ele = event target)</h5>
<div on:click|self={onClickEle}>
<button on:click={onClickEle}>Click here!</button>
div { padding: 10px 30px; background: gray; cursor: pointer; display: inline }